Hire and Motivate Your All-Star Team:
Breakthrough Live Denver 2023

 Learn How to Hire & Keep A+Players Regardless of Market Conditions

What’s the best answer to give employees asking for unaffordable raises?

How can owners be picky when there's no one to hire? 

Is today’s unstable market ruining growth for PT private practices?

Join Us For Breakthrough Live

October 5th-7th 2023 
Denver, Colorado

Tickets Increase to $500 August 1st


Losing staff is demoralizing. 

Hiring is a bigger headache than ever. 

PT owners are posting jobs online, ready to grow and improve their profitability…

Then… crickets. 

For months…

Others are losing their top employees to local competitors, setting them back significantly.

We know declining reimbursements have pulled the rug out from owners trying to maintain profitability, and there is a major hiring shortage in healthcare today. 

Healthcare workers are getting burned out left and right… and, perhaps, you are as well. 

But private practice owners don’t have the choice to pack up and go somewhere else like others do… They have to steer the ship and get it back on course… or sink.

Does this resonate with you? 

The situation isn’t hopeless… You’re not doomed to doing everything yourself, never growing your practice, never going home on time to relax, or being present with your family… 

If you’re losing great employees, hunting for new staff in a deserted job market, or worrying about benefits and incentives…

Then This is the Live Event for You.

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This Fall, we're focusing on your most valuable asset: Your Team.

How to hire, motivate and retain amazing employees.

Don’t miss valuable sessions, networking opportunities, and hands-on PT private practice industry training you can’t get anywhere else…

Once you learn what’s working in hiring and staff management today, you’ll have more time back than you’ll know what to do with. We can help you figure that out too.

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When you come to this Live Event you’ll learn:

  • Strategies to Improve Employee Engagement: How to incentivize and motivate staff by working with what you have.
  • The 8 Phases of the Hiring Process: How to never miss a step when planning your staffing pipeline, from sourcing to interviews, benefits, career mapping, and more. 
  • The 4 Levels of Competence and Confidence: How to cultivate leadership skills in your staff so you can step away from treating and gain more time-freedom.
  • Recruitment Strategies That Work: How to attract and retain top talent in a competitive job market, and how to avoid hiring the wrong person you have to worry about all the time.
  • And more…

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You’ll also walk away with:

  • An Actionable Plan you and your team can implement as soon as you return home
  • Valuable Peer Insights from our Mastermind Sessions and Saturday Small Group Rotations
  • Skills and Strategies from like-minded owners who are working through the same challenges you are
  • Cutting-Edge Technology Resources from Our Partners, 
    and more… 

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Join Breakthrough At
The #1 PT Event For Private Practice PT Growth

Tickets Increase to $500 August 1st


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Thursday, October 5th 2023 ALoft Broomfield Denver

Registration & Happy Hour - 5:00pm - 7:00pm Get checked in, grab a drink & network with sponsors before sessions start the next morning!

Friday, Oct 6th 2023 Aloft Broomfield Denver

Welcome • 8:00am - 8:15am We will kick off the day with an overview of the weekend, trivia, and more!
Exhibition Break • 9:30am - 10:00am Take a moment to meet with our partners & sponsors in the exhibition area, grab a coffee and hit the bathroom before our next session begins.
Hot Seat: Hiring • 10:00am - 10:20am Hear from community owners on their best practices for Hiring.
Mastermind • 10:20am - 10:45am In this session, we'll break out into groups based on topics to take 5 minutes each to chat about one of the following:
How to Compete with HOPTS AND POPTS with Hiring • 10:45am - 11:30pm When you can’t compete with salary, there are systems you can use to help to bring in great talent.
Your Practice and Breakthrough • 11:15am - 12:00pm Learn the latest from Carl on what's coming next for Breakthrough and how your practice can get involved!
Lunch Break • 12:00pm - 1:00pm Find a new friend to network with over lunch.
Hot Seat: Incentivizing Staff • 1:00pm - 1:20pm What are the best tactics for incentivizing your team in 2023? Learn from our community.
Mastermind • 1:20pm - 1:45pm In this session, we'll break out into groups based on topics to take 5 minutes each to chat about one of the following:
Keep Good People • 1:45pm - 2:15pm Keeping your team happy and healthy. Reduce turnover.
Gain More Time Freedom with your Team • 2:15pm - 3:00pm Spend more time working on your business, rather than in your business by training your staff to take more ownership. Now you have time freedom, now what?
Exhibition Break • 3:00pm - 3:30pm Take a moment to meet with our partners & sponsors in the exhibition area, grab a coffee and hit the bathroom before our next session begins.
How To Get to Delegation • 3:30pm - 4:30pm Phase 1 to time freedom - how to get to the place of working on your business, not in your business.
Happy Hour & Award Ceremony • 5:00pm - 7:00pm Join us as we wrap up the day by celebrating our community for a happy hour. Grab a drink & network with sponsors and other attendees!

Saturday, Oct 7th 2023 Aloft Broomfield

Team Building: Creating Your All Star Team • 8:00am - 8:45am How to build a team that you don’t take home with you. Don’t hire the wrong person you worry about all the time. Say no to desperate hires. How to build a team without these pain points.
Training and Onboarding • 8:45am - 9:30am Walking them through the 4 levels of confidence and competence. They’re able to fully own their scorecard. From new hire to competent team member.
Morning Station Breakouts • 9:30am - 12:00pm Choose from 4 of the following stations to stop by for 30 minute small group sessions where you'll get to learn the details of: Recruiting, Reducing Margins, Delegation, Time Freedom
Lunch Break • 12:00pm - 1:00pm Find a new friend to network with over lunch.
Afternoon Station Breakouts • 1:00pm - 3:30pm Choose from the following stations to stop by for 30 minute small group sessions where you'll get to learn the details of: Hiring, Compensation, Training, Benefits
Break • 3:00pm - 3:30pm Take a quick break before we wrap up the event.
Goal & Priority Setting • 3:30pm - 4:30pm Here we take a look at what it takes to implement everything you’ve learned over the weekend to plan for sustained success.
Event Wrap Up • 3:30pm - 4:30pm We'll conclude the event by learning how to take home your new plan so that it is received in an actionable, exciting way for your entire practice!



We're heading to Denver, Co!

Once you register we'll email you access to our group rate at our Host Hotel where a The event will take place. 

What Our Attendees Are Saying


Save $250 When You Register Today

Price increases to $500/person on August 1st
Late Registration of $750/person on September 1st
Registration Is Non-Refundable, But Can Be Transferred 
Tickets include drinks and lunch both days

Speaker Profiles


Chad Madden

CoFounder, Breakthrough

More Info

Chad is the Founder of Madden Physical Therapy.

He may be the “most watched” back pain and sciatica specialist in the world! He has the #1 Videos in 6 different health categories on YouTube, has written three books, created the one-of-a-kind Exercise Card System, and has over 100,000 followers of his online and social media, newsletters, and other media.

Chad is a Bethlehem Steel Baby—his parents met working there, and he was probably conceived there! He grew up in West Hanover, Pennsylvania, and enjoyed a mediocre high school sports career. Determining his strengths were academic, he earned his Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy.

On September 2, 2003, he opened his physical therapy practice with a total staff of one, in a 2,000 square foot office. His first son was born three days later —great timing!

He was an introvert and “book worm” growing up, despite also loving and playing sports. He still reads an insane quantity today, and there are over 500 books in his office. His favorites are classics from a famous Pennsylvania-based motivational speaker Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. Chad believes in “input = output”, and that constant improvement can only come by “mining gems” from a lot of information and ideas. Despite athletic shortcomings, he played 17 years of baseball, 6 years of basketball, wrestled for 2 years and played 9 years of football—and football first pointed him to his career.

Chad and his wife Stephanie now have four sons and two daughters, and live on a small farm, with five miniature donkeys, two cats and a Border Collie.

Above all else, Chad believes now is the best time to raise public awareness of all that a modern, independent PT practice offers and to raise the status, security and success of the independent practice— because now is the time we have.


Carl Mattiola

Co-Founder, Breakthrough

More Info

Carl began researching the PT field when he was a marketing executive at Tesla. He got up 3 hours before his regular work day to be on phone calls, interviewing PT practice owners about how they attracted and obtained patients. This is how Carl and Chad met. Carl was, of course, horrified at what he discovered from hundreds of these interviews. He wound up leaving Tesla—and leaving a lot of money on the table—to start a company, ClinicMetrics, in response to his determining that PT practice owners had no good way of “knowing their numbers” nor had they been taught how to use them of they could, to really manage a business for profit and growth.

Elon Musk used Carl to assemble teams to get new ideas made into viable projects and implemented. He helped launch the Tesla Model S, to over $60-Million in sales in less than a year. Post-Tesla, and during the early ClinicMetrics years, Carl built not one but four 7-figure income businesses from zero. Carl Mattiola knows how to get things done.

Over the next couple years, Carl and Chad kept talking and collaborating, and arrived at a convergent place: marrying the methods Chad had developed for Direct Access Marketing, to preserve his clinic’s independence and security, and for delivering extraordinary patient experiences in the clinic that motivated patients to get well and motivated staff to stay and excel with Carl’s ability to organize it all for consistent, virtually fail-safe implementation in any number of clinics. From this, The System and Breakthrough PT Marketing was born. Carl’s passion is in helping people clarify their life goals, identify, confront and eliminate barriers, and implement plans and strategies in a thoroughly organized way.

He is also fascinated with what he and Chad call “the multiplier effect” in doing well by doing good. In his words: “I don’t like seeing capable people beaten down, and a lot of PT practice owners are. They are so mired in constant or repeating negative aspects of the business—be that unmotivated staff, poor profit margins and personal income, referred patients who trudge in grudgingly by doctor’s order, or justified worry and fear about the future for a practice dependent on doctor referrals—that they feel trapped and “de-motivated” about their businesses everyday. 

This is no way to live a life! It is particularly sad in a business that has a great multiplier effect. When Chad and I help a PT owner to get out of that daily grind, re-boot with new and inspiring goals, and re-invent their practices, we don’t just make life a lot better for that PT and his family, but with him, for everyone on his staff, and for the patients, and by Direct Access Referrals, for family members and friends of those patients who might otherwise “just live with” a variety of pain conditions or, worse, become lifelong pain-pill addicts.

This is what excites Chad and I about what we do, and what can change your daily grind to a mission driven, authentically positive experience. However, motivation without foundation and inspiration without implementation is empty. It’s a sugar and carb loaded, wolfed down tray of fast food that feels great while you’re eating it, but only a couple hours later has you crash, and feel sick and tired. That’s why we will NEVER do a ‘motivation seminar’ or speech, although we do create a foundation for new motivation. Real interest in your business and real confidence about achieving goals comes from real capability and implementation. Which is why The System is so important. It’s why you being independent but not in this alone is so important. Finally, you can liberate your real goals including ones you’d given up on, and set about achieving them with legitimate confidence because you have a proven, methodical System and because you have coaching and support from people perfectly aligned with your interests.

The other thing to understand about the advertising and marketing components of this that you should appreciate is that they are scientific. Their foundation actually dates back decades to one of the founding fathers of modern direct-response advertising, Claude Hopkins, who coined the term: Scientific Advertising. It applies to Facebook and to direct-mail, to everything. We know our numbers. When a dollar is invested we know, within a small and acceptable range of variance, exactly how many dollars it will produce. We are not “just guessing” anymore than you guess at how to get a patient well. We are not engaged in creativity; we are marketing scientists. New, direct access patient flow raised to a level freeing you from dependence on doctor referrals and leveraged to achieve your business and life goals is a scientific process validated by Chad’s practices and over 735 others.

But let’s be clear. All of the implementation of The System is for bigger purposes.
For the multiplier effect.


Mark Callanen

Director of Marketing and Continuing Education Recovery Sciences, Lightforce+Chattanooga

More Info

As Director of Marketing and Clinical Education for Recovery Sciences I am responsible for developing the strategic plan for customer facing education, as well as coordinating and executing educational programs to Healthcare Providers (HCPs) and the sales team for the Chattanooga business unit in the United States. Instrumental in contributing to the strategy to progress the use of physical modalities, including laser, shockwave, traction, and electrotherapy in the fields of rehabilitation and pain management. Interact with Key Opinion Leaders, HCP’s, university and education organizations, industry associations, dealers, industry personnel, researchers, customers, and others in medical industry.


Bob Kowalick

Managing Member, Certified Reimbursement Solutions

More Info

My professional purpose is to help PT and OT private practice owners build stable and scalable practices. My company does this through collaborative relationships with our clients focused on maximizing revenue, minimizing payment delays and maximizing revenue cycle process efficiencies. I am adding a focus on margin improvement and business data improvement initiatives.



Attendee Photos From Our
May 2023 Event In Harrisburg, PA

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